2025 UNSW Scholarships for Asylum Seekers & Refugees

UNSW offers a number of scholarships to support asylum seekers and refugees seeking to undertake coursework studies at UNSW. These scholarships aim to provide talented students with the opportunity to pursue tertiary studies at UNSW, and the financial means to focus on their studies.

These scholarships represent an excellent opportunity for eligible students with a genuine interest and passion in undertaking studies at UNSW to financially support their tertiary education. Any student who believes they meet the eligibility criteria for these scholarships is enthusiastically encouraged to submit an application

On this page you will find information on the available scholarships and the application process. Further details can be found below, though please feel free to contact us if you need any further information.


To be considered for the scholarships specified in this section, applicants must submit the relevant application by the specified deadline. 

Scholarships available in 2025 that require an application:

Full details of the listed scholarships including the value, eligibility and selection criteria can be found by clicking on the relevant title further down this page. More scholarships may be progressively added to this list.

  • Applications for the Term 1 2025 offerings of the scholarships above will open on Sunday, 1 September 2024, and close at 11:59pm AEST Saturday, 30 November 2024.

Please ensure you allow enough time to submit your application as we are unable to accept late applications. 


Students who are asylum seekers or refugees may be eligible for other scholarships and awards offered by UNSW. Whilst these other scholarships and awards may not be exclusively for asylum seekers and refugees, the eligibility criteria will often include temporary visa holders or Australian permanent resident visa holders.

Asylum seekers who hold a temporary visa may be eligible for international student scholarships and awards available at UNSW, subject to study rights being included in the visa that is held. Further information on upcoming offerings for international students commencing in Term 1, 2025 is available here.

Refugees holding an Australian permanent resident visa or Australian citizenship may be eligible to apply and be considered for other equity scholarships and awards. Eligible students can apply by submitting a UAC Equity Scholarships (ES) application. Further information about equity scholarships can be found here.

Where applicable and available, any relevant scholarships and awards that are offered externally to UNSW will be advertised on this page.

Sanctuary Scholarship for People Seeking Asylum and Refugees with Temporary Protection (UGCE1411)


For the minimum duration of program:

  • Full tuition fee scholarship* paid directly towards tuition fees; and
  • $5,000** per annum paid as a stipend; and
  • On-campus UNSW Accommodation (where accommodation is identified as a barrier to studying at UNSW) to a maximum value of $25,000 per annum paid directly to an approved UNSW Accommodation provider.

*Excludes non-tuition additional costs associated with the degree such as flight training and the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).
**If the recipient does not qualify for or does not choose to stay at on-campus accommodation, their stipend will instead be increased to a maximum of $10,000 per annum.

Application Process

Submit an application for the Sanctuary Scholarship for People Seeking Asylum and Refugees with Temporary Protection (UGCE1411) by 11:59pm AEST Saturday, 30 November 2024.


To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be commencing an eligible UNSW coursework degree program in Term 1 2025; and
  • Have received an offer of admission* into an eligible program for Term 1 2025 by 11:59pm AEST Saturday, 30 November 2024; and
  • Be an asylum seeker or refugee currently holding** one of the following visas:
    • Temporary Protection Visa (Subclass 785)
    • Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (Subclass 790)
    • Bridging Visa***
    • Temporary Humanitarian Concern Visa (Subclass 786)
    • Humanitarian Stay (Temporary) Visa (Subclass 449)

*Students may also submit an application for this scholarship if they have applied to UNSW for a coursework degree program commencing in Term 1 2025 (via UAC or by any other UNSW admissions scheme) and have not yet received an offer of admission.
**The eligible visa must be 'in effect' by the application deadline.
***Applicants holding a Bridging visa, will also need to submit a letter or relevant documentation from a recognised organisation supporting their status as a refugee or asylum seeker, and must ensure they have Australian study rights whilst holding that visa.

Selection Criteria

Each applicant will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate:

  • Academic Merit
  • Aptitude and commitment to studies at UNSW

Further Information

For further details please refer to: Sanctuary Scholarship for People Seeking Asylum and Refugees with Temporary Protection (UGCE1411)

Welcome Scholarship for Students from Refugee Backgrounds (UGCE1412)


For the minimum duration of program:

  • A $10,000 per annum stipend paid fortnightly over the calendar year.

Application Process

Submit an application for the Welcome Scholarship for Students from Refugee Backgrounds (UGCE1412) by 11:59pm AEST Saturday, 30 November 2024.


To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be commencing an eligible UNSW coursework degree program in 2025*; and,
  • Have received an offer of admission into an eligible program for Term 1, 2025 by Saturday, 30 November 2024; and,
  • Be a refugee currently holding** one of the following visas:
    • Global Special Humanitarian Visa (Subclass 202)
    • Protection Visa (Subclass 866)
    • Refugee Visa (Subclass 200, 201, 203 or 204)

*Students may submit an application if they have applied to UNSW for a coursework degree program commencing in 2024 (via UAC or by any other UNSW admissions scheme) and have not yet received an offer of admission.

**The eligible visa must be 'in effect' by the application deadline.

To enable UNSW to verify that the applicant holds one of the specified visas, the applicant must include in the application a copy of their current passport, or the travel documentation used to enter Australia. Accordingly, a copy of one of the following documents must be provided:

  • Passport
  • Immicard
  • Titre de Voyage
  • PLO56 (M56)
  • Document For Travel To Australia (DFTTA)

Documentation and visa status will be checked using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service. Please contact UNSW Scholarships if you are unsure about the documentation requirements. Any applications without the required documentation will not be assessed.

Selection Criteria

Each applicant will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate:

  • Academic merit
  • Aptitude and commitment to studies at UNSW

Further Information

For further details please refer to: Welcome Scholarship for Students from Refugee Backgrounds (UGCE1412)