UNSW School Of Mathematics & Statistics Undergraduate Scholarships for students commencing Term 1, 2025

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UNSW School Of Mathematics & Statistics Undergraduate Scholarships for students commencing Term 1, 2025


High School Leaver
Indigenous Australians
Minimum Value
available for Duration of program (minimum)
No residency requirements
For commencement Term 1 2025
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Mathematics & Statistics Merit Scholarships aim to encourage and assist students commencing studies in the School of Mathematics & Statistics at UNSW.

By applying for the Mathematics & Statistics Merit Scholarships you may be considered for the following scholarships. More scholarships may be added to this list progressively.

Scholarship Value and Duration Eligibility
School of Mathematics & Statistics Beautiful Mind Scholarship (UGCA1392)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Must have competed in the Mathematical Olympiad or UNSW Annual School Mathematics Competition, or similar, in Yr 11 or Yr12, and provide their results; and

  • Have completed the NSW HSC (or interstate equivalent) or IB in the previous two years prior to commencing at UNSW, provided no tertiary study was undertaken during this period; and

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in one of the below single or double degree programs with a major in Mathematics or Statistics:
    • Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) or
    • Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
School of Mathematics & Statistics Advanced Mathematics Scholarship (UGCA1108)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Have completed the NSW HSC (or interstate equivalent) or IB in the previous two years prior to commencing at UNSW, provided no tertiary study was undertaken during this period; and

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in one of the below single or double degree programs with a major in Mathematics or Statistics:
    • Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) or
    • Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
School of Mathematics & Statistics Rural Student Scholarship (UGCE1079)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Have completed the NSW HSC (or interstate equivalent) or IB in the previous two years prior to commencing at UNSW, provided no tertiary study was undertaken during this period; and

  • Be a rural applicant*

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in one of the below single or double degree programs with a major in Mathematics or Statistics:
    • Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) or
    • Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
Women in Mathematics and Statistics Scholarship (UGCE1098)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Eligible applicants must be undertaking a Major in mathematics or statistics.

  • Be Female

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in one of the below single or double degree programs with a major in Mathematics or Statistics:
    • Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) or
    • Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
School of Mathematics & Statistics, Data Science & Decisions Scholarship (UGCA1607)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in a Bachelor of Data Science & Decisions - Quantitative Data Science plan (MATHE13959)**
School of Mathematics & Statistics, Teachers Scholarship (UGCA1109)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Must be undertaking a Science/Education degree with a declared major in Mathematics

*Must have lived in a rural, regional or remote area within the two years prior to the start of your UNSW studies.

Check the Australian Standard Geographic Classification Remoteness Areas (ASGC-RA) system map to check your eligibility. All categories other than RA1 Major Cities of Australia are considered to be regional or remote with the exception of Hobart.

**You can declare your specialisation using the Stream Declaration tool in your Student Profile tab on myUNSW

Selection Criteria

Applicants will be assessed on the basis of:
  • Academic Merit
  • Leadership skills (school, workplace or community)
  • Extra-curricular activities (sporting, cultural activities, volunteer/work experience)
  • Aptitude and commitment to studies

You must provide evidence supporting the above criteria in your online application. Please refer to the Scholarship Application Supporting Documents for a detailed list of examples.

Unanswered application questions or claims without supporting documentation will not be assessed. Late applications/supporting documentation will not be accepted. Activities/Achievements recorded more than 3 years ago will not be considered in your application assessment

UNSW Science Undergraduate Scholarships for Students Commencing Term 1, 2025

Separate Application Required

There are a number of scholarships available for students planning to undertake study in the Faculty of Science. A separate scholarship application is required. Click here for more information on how to apply for these scholarships.

UNSW reserves the right not to award a scholarship where there is no applicant of sufficient merit, or if the applicant does not meet the scholarship eligibility and/or selection criteria.